The Purpose of this Blog
Your task on this blog is to write a brief summary of what we learned in class today. Include enough detail so that someone who was ill or missed the lesson can catch up with what they missed. Over the course of the term, these 'class scribe' posts will grow to be a guide book for the course, written by students for students.
With each post ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is this good enough for our guide book?
2) Will your post enable someone who wasn't here to catch up?
3) Would a graphic/video/link help to illustrate what we have learned?
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
Gossip Killed Someone, Related to Kaiser Wilhelm, Went to Oxford, Was a Spy
Gossip/Fact In the Army
Facts Likes Green Lights, Lives on West Egg, Man likes to party, Likes English people (?)
Afterwards, we began reading Chapter 4, and the unrelenting list of guests to the Great Gatsby’s parties that he feels we have to know. From them, a few choice words can be chosen:
Hand Ran Over, Fight, Suicide, Drowned, Nose Shot Off.
These should reveal something pretty obvious about Gatsby: he is surrounded by violence. When we wonder why Nick tells us these things that perhaps he should have kept in confidence the anwser can be found quite easily: He believes that there is safety in the numbers of names he mentioned, he believes that it gives the annomity. But perhaps moreso- he takes some sort of pride in having met these people, perhaps he wants to be disgusted, but just isn’t.
Impressions of Gatsby
These are my impressions of him so far, if you don't agree, then comment with your disagreement. I will still be the one whose right however. The association with those that have the potential to, and some that have, commited criminal acts shines a somewhat negative light on the elusive Gatsby- he loses some of his hard earned annomity to the "foul dust" that trails him, and try as he might to rise above these unfortuneate acquaintances - they will forever tarnish perception of him and add a nasty bias to the deduction of the motivation behind his actions.
-Discuss characterisation of gatsby Ch1-4
-Discuss characterisation of Wolfstein- mention "selective detail"
-Why might Jordan narrate part of the story?
-Comment on the timeshift -Read Ch.4 & 5 -COMMENT MY BLOG!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
- Speaker who's not the poet
- A listener
- An occasion
- Interplay between speaker and listener
Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Our starter in the lesson was to recap on chapter 3 and answer the following question on what we have read in the chapter but also the first 2 chapters that mentions Gatsby.
We still dont know much about Gatsby as he still remains a mysterious figure throughout the first 3 chapters we read. As a class we came up with many personas of Gatsby and the rumors that has been spreading about him. We had to come up with quotes from the book to back up our ideas.
- We have been told "that he was a German spy during the war".
- Gatsby has been rumored that he "killed a man".
- Hes a scary person "id hate to have him get anyhting on me"
- Seen as a powerful figure as Nick interprets that "theres something gorgous about him.
- Hes seen as a romantic figure and a well known man
- Rich/Wealthy
- Isolated/lonely/Mysterious
- "Hes was an Oxford man"
- Rumored that hes related to Euopean royalty
We had to put in order on what were the four most importanat factors upon Gatspy this was my order.
- Isolation
- Nicks impression on Gatsby
- Romantic figure
- The Gatsby rumors that "he once killed a man"
Our next task we had to think about AO2 which is language structure and form and what conventions that goes into writing in the AO2 especially for The Great Gatsby
- Gustory- taste
- Tactile- touch
- Olfactory-smell
- Kineatic-movement
- Auditory-sound
- Visual-sight
Narrative structure
- Romantic/Modern style
- Symbolizm
- Similies/Metaphors
- Colour
- sentence Structure
Realating to A02 we did a table and on the Key quotation on Chapter 3, What the image dose and What impression dose it give of Gatsby.
This is an example of what we had to do in the lesson
Key Quotation Chapter 3 What this image dose Whats the impression of Gatsby
"In his blue gardens men and girls came" Blue at the time reprseneted This shows Gatspy as being
richness, mystreious. isolated
"aquaplaness over contracts foam" movemnt, romantism and Gatsby is seen as really wealthy
modern combined. since many people at the time
couldnt afford it.
"The air is alive with Chatter and laughter" Personifaction making non Gatsby lives freely especially links
living things come to life to the jazz age everyone living
happly, no deprseeion.
"The light grows brighter as the We get a colour impression, Gatsby hospitality shows
earth lurches away from the sun" kineastic imagery, phatic phallecy that the none living world are
mood of the party is really cheerful appreciating it.
that even the non living world are
experiencing it. Romantism and
realism combined scientificly.
- Go through the rest of the chapter and add 5 more quotes to the list that we done in lesson
- Complete the sheets that we were given and PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING!!!
Nick as a character
- What he says/dosent say/how he says things
- What others think of him
- Wat he dose
Nick as a Narrator
- The way he presents himself and other characters
- His telling of Gatspy story
- Anything that might be missing or inaccurate
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Exploring setting In the Great gatsby 15.03.11
1 – Homework
2 - Symbolism
3 – Chapter 2
4 – Symbolism from chapter 2
5 - Appendix
1 – Homework (Due 22nd Tuesday):
(This is a technological homework today e.g. record your voice, make a video etc)
Discuss the settings of Ch1 and 2:
Valley of Ashes
Myrtle’s apartment
East Egg (Chapter 1)
Repeated images (Motifs)
Mood & atmosphere (Nick)
Contrasts with East Egg & Tom and Daisy’s house
Explain what you think these shows. (Make links to the rest of the novel)
You can use this to record your voice (kindly found by sir just click on record)
Send to:
Aa) Question: On Mariana (30 minutes):
Focusing on Narrative
(Note: Your cherished sheets will help you):
How does Tennyson tell the story in Mariana?
Self asses with Mark scheme (If you don't have this Go to sir)
2 – Symbolism (Represents another idea):
What do you think these words symbolise within The Great Gatsby here are some examples the class came up with:
Green Light:
· New start
· Active/ activity
· Eerie
· Mystery
· Movement
· Jealousy / Envy
· Seeing/ soul
· Vanity (See only through this)
· Beauty
· Seeing isn’t always believing
· Observation
· Intellect/ reason
· Identity
· Identity
· Birth (Nick new start)
· Fragility
· Feminine
· Innocence
· Innocent
· Protection
· Youth
· Death/ rebirth
· Hope?
· Desolate
· Black/ grey
· Movement of time
· Wealth/ status
· Modernism/ industry
· Materialism
· Mobility
3 – Chapter 2:
Brief summary:
Tom and Nick go to meet Tom’s mistress (Myrtle Wilson) meeting George Wilson owner of Cars bought and sold. Myrtle slips out with Tom and Nick to go to New York her apartment inviting friends round which are filled with lies, furthermore arguments break out, Nick wishes to escape Tom breaks her nose.
Opening Paragraph (First impressions):
· Isolation
· Poverty
· Depression
· Desolation
· Nothing being possible
· Industrialized areas
· Soulless
· Opposite of the “Jazz age”
· Boring/ dull
· Disillusion “Death of American dream”
Take note of the difference between this chapter and the first chapter Fitz has a cinematic writing style. As in chapter one you’re left off with not knowing what happened after when chapter one ends and find yourself in a new scene.
How Characters are portrayed:
Tom: forceful, imperative speech, physical presence, energetic, strong, and aggressive, corrupt, reference to epigraph in front
Nick: Not used to poverty, naive, judgemental,
George Wilson: Dominated by wife, Frail, lost “light in eyes”, “his wife moved straight through him like a ghost,”
Myrtle Wilson: Dominant, classy, vitality, “blocks out light” cause for trouble, tries to fit in, materialistic,
Gatsby: Images of him through enigmas, brief encounters/ glimpses (Chapter 1)
Important Quote to take note:
What do you think this means?
“I was within and without simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life” – Page 42 (green book) & Page 24 (Blue books) The Great Gatsby
Within: A character within the novel
Without: the narrator of the novel
4 - Symbolism from Chapter 2:
The billboard, mentioned in pg 29
“But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic – their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice in the borough of queens, and then sank down himself into eternal blindness, or forgot them and moved away. But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days under the sun and rain, brood over the solemn dumping ground.”
Suggests as a godlike figure looking down from the heavens, God is being commercialised.
5 - Appendix
The Jazz Age:
End of Blog
Enjoy and please tell me how to improve them
Thank you
Monday, 14 March 2011
Fra Lippo Lippi lesson
Do Fra Lippo Lippi’s questions.
2 (a) Write about the ways Browning tells the story in lines 1-39 of “Fra Lippo Lippi” (21 marks)
(b) “Fra Lippo Lippi is about the significance of art in a civilized society”. How do you respond to this view of the poem? (21 marks)
Research “risorgimento”.
“Fra Lippo Lippi,” another of Browning’s dramatic monologues, appeared in the 1855 collection Men and Women. Fra (Brother) Lippo Lippi was an actual Florentine monk who lived in the fifteenth century. He was a painter of some renown, and Browning most probably gained familiarity with his works during the time he spent in Italy. “Fra Lippo Lippi” introduces us to the monk as he is being interrogated by some Medici watchmen, who have caught him out at night. Because Lippo’s patron is Cosimo de Medici, he has little to fear from the guards, but he has been out partying and is clearly in a mood to talk. He shares with the men the hardships of monastic life: he is forced to carry on his relationships with women in secret, and his superiors are always defeating his good spirits. But Lippo’s most important statements concern the basis of art: should art be realistic and true-to-life, or should it be idealistic and didactic? Should Lippo’s paintings of saints look like the Prior’s mistress and the men of the neighborhood, or should they evoke an otherworldly surreality? Which kind of art best serves religious purposes? Should art even serve religion at all? Lippo’s rambling speech touches on all of these issues.
We spent the lesson reading through and analysing the poem discussing themes. Some people argued that the main theme of the poem was the hypocrisy of religion and it was a reflection of the period of time when browning questioned his religious beliefs. However others said that the main theme was art and its value to society, whereas the liberal members of our classroom maintained the idea that the poem addressed both themes at once
How a point of view affects a novel.
We then did an exercise that allowed Mr Sadgrove to see if we had read the chapters which he had asked us to do by making us write two newspaper headlines, one for chapter one and another for chapter two.
After this we were shown a quote by David Lodge from his "The art of Fiction":
"The choice of the point of view from the story is told... fundamentally affects the way readers will respond, emotionally and morally, to the fictional characters and their actions.
In order to put this concept into use, we were asked to take the classic nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" and change the narrative to first person. An example of this would be similar to what I wrote:
I was just chilling on a wall,
Thinking, why do I have arms?
Anyway, this hen comes up to me and says
"You belong to me"
So, basically, I thought screw this and took a leap of faith off the wall.
Obviously, my faith was misplaced and I died.
But it's all good because they turned me into an omelet.
Finally, we made a table to show the advantages and disadvantages of using a first person narrator.
Such as an advantage being that we can experience what the narrator is feeling and a disadvantage is that there will be gaps and missing information due to an unreliable narrator.
Comment on Blog.
Revised Aa question on Godiva focusing on narrative notes.
Self asses the Aa question using the sheet.
Read Chapter three again.
Roman A.
PS. Sorry for late blog but don't use this as an excuse to not do the homework you still have all day today!
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Romantic and Modern style
We began the lesson by talking about our half-term homework essays. We marked someone elses (A)a essay answer and tried to learn as much as we could from it. Afterwards, we were presented with two images. we had to then state the differences between the two- One conclusion was that one was powerful, whilst the other was modern.
As the lesson progressed, we were give two words: Modern and Romatic. Romanticism in this context is widely different to the definition of romance we know today. We can define it by using Nicholas Tredell's broken down view, that is it a "literally movement" which is powered by "imagination rather than intellect." We had to draw pictures to match with his full definition of Romance in this sense. We then watched a video (which can be found of Mr Sadgrove's/ Great Gatsby's/ year 13 folder in learning resources) on him reviewing the novel, in which we had to make notes on why the fusion of modern and romance existed with the text of the novel. Tredell stated that if the novel was written entirely of romance, then it would be "comically over the top".
Later on, we were given two sheets; one containing a section of words from chapter 1 of Great Gatsby and another with two extracts. With `Words From Chapter 1` sheet we had to put an R or M depending if it was a Modern word or Romantic word. whilst, with the `Extract` sheet we has to highlight any Modern or Romantic Words/Sentences on the first extract.
H/W: Read through the SECOND extract and answer the following questions:
1) What is the effect of the combination of romantic and modern styles/ imagery/ rhythms in chapter 1?
2) why might FitzGerald be telling the story in this way?
Also, we have to mark one of our own section (A)b answers. If you do not have an unmarked one, then write and mark one.
Thanks Chris W :)
Monday, 7 March 2011
Porphyria's Lover
This lesson we looked at a second Browning poem - "Porphyria's lover". At the beginning of the lesson we read the poem and Sir asked us to interpret it's meaning and possibly try to identify what sort of relationship Porphyria and her lover have. There were several possible suggestions for this, for example:
The two characters are in a relationship
Porphyria is married and the speaker is her lover
Something/someone (society) is stopping Porphyria from being with her lover because factors like class and status
There was also a suggestion that Porphyria and her lover
However as we read further into the poem we found that in fact Porphyria's lover could be someone who she looks after, like an elderly disabled person for instance, a person who relies on her but has enough strengh to strangle her. We also recognised that he/she (we never find out the speaker's gender) has a fetish for Porphyria's hair, as her "yellow hair" is mention on several occasions.
Sir explained that fetishes were something common for Victorian society as they were quite severely repressed and channelled their desires in private.
Another interesting thing about the poem in the fact that "Porphyria" is the name of a popular illness that was around in Victorian times, the symptoms of which include sensitivity to light, paleness and excessive hair. Therefore a reading of the poem could be that the lover is defeating his illness by killing Porphyria.
Towards the end of the lesson Sir asked the class to draw abstract pictures that would represent some part of the poem and also give them a suitable pretentious, artsy name. They were all very lovely, unfortunately we did not photograph them, so links are not available.

Now for the fun part!
Since we took ages doing everything else we have double homework.
A.How does Browning tell the story in “My Last Duchess”
B."The disturbing behaviour of both the Duke and of Porphyria’s lover makes it impossible for the reader to sympathize with them."
How far do you agree?
I hope you all enjoyed the blog.
Much love,
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Browning Poetry Introduction
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
The Great Gatsby - context/background
The class discussion came up with lots of different views which the pictures represented:
- womens freedom, sexual freedom
- showbiz, glitz, glamour
- modernization, industrialization
- capitalism, cities, business's were all becoming increasingly popular.
We then watched a trailer for broadwalk empire, shown on sky atlantic, 9pm saturdays -channel 108. We were adivsed to watch this programme to give deeper understanding of the time that The Great Gatsby was set in.
Afterwards sir put us into pairs to discuss different terms used to describe America between 1918-1939. These included:
- the roaring 20's - lively, breaking boundaries, wild people, a boundless and free period of time
- the pre-depression era - fun, American dream, economic boom, irresponsible
- the lost generation - independent, new, breaking rules, no respect, women equality, partying
- golden 20's - extravagant, wealthy, materialistic, classy, grand, upbeat. 'golden' - worse after?
- golden ages of hollywood- new, energetic, innovative, money, power, lavish, vacuous
- prohibition era - keeping order, authority, law abiding, backlash, paranoia, period of restriction
- inter war - happiness once the first war was over, depression at another world war occurring
- la generation de feau (generation of fire) - european influence, culture, france well established,
- bright young things - activity, progression, hope, initiative, positive, change
- flapper era - fashionable, unconventional, fun, classy, fashionable, glitzy, glamorous, defiance
We were done asked to come up with a haiku to some everything we discussed, mine was-
vibrant new changes,
in society is what
made women equal.
Sir then put a quote on the board 'America was going on the greatest and gaudiest spree in hisory' - Fitzgerald. We then analysed the epigraph at the beginning of the book which reads 'Than wear the gold hat, if that will move her; if you can bounce high, bounce for her too, till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, bouncing lover, I must have you!" '. We came up with the conclusion that this meant if you have the money and material objects, than you will eventually win the girl.
We then discussed Nick the narrator of the play and how he is a first person retrospective narrator, meaning that he is recalling events. This has two effects on the reader, first it makes the narration less reliable because it is coming from Nick's point of view, however because he is recalling events he has the ability to give these events a fairer portrayal and be less biased.
Our Homework was to comment on this blog, re-read chapter 1 and answer this question.. What impression do we get of Nick in chapter 1? use evidence from chapter 1.
and the blog is up quickly, so no excuses B-)
Poetry stalls lesson Mr Sadgrove
1) answer any Aa question of your choice
2) How far do you agree that the lady of shallot is heroic
3) Read "great gatsby" chapter 1, 2 and 3 (you will be tested next lesson)
In the last lesson we spent our time creating market stalls for different poems and everyone made notes on each of the poem for language, structure, theme and form.
here is a summary for the first chapter if you need some help understanding. I was about to post my essay but then I had second thoughts.
Chapter 1
The narrator of The Great Gatsby is a young man from Minnesota named Nick Carraway. He not only narrates the story but casts himself as the book’s author. He begins by commenting on himself, stating that he learned from his father to reserve judgment about other people, because if he holds them up to his own moral standards, he will misunderstand them. He characterizes himself as both highly moral and highly tolerant. He briefly mentions the hero of his story, Gatsby, saying that Gatsby represented everything he scorns, but that he exempts Gatsby completely from his usual judgments. Gatsby’s personality was nothing short of “gorgeous.”
In the summer of 1922, Nick writes, he had just arrived in New York, where he moved to work in the bond business, and rented a house on a part of Long Island called West Egg. Unlike the conservative, aristocratic East Egg, West Egg is home to the “new rich,” those who, having made their fortunes recently, have neither the social connections nor the refinement to move among the East Egg set. West Egg is characterized by lavish displays of wealth and garish poor taste. Nick’s comparatively modest West Egg house is next door to Gatsby’s mansion, a sprawling Gothic monstrosity.
Nick is unlike his West Egg neighbors; whereas they lack social connections and aristocratic pedigrees, Nick graduated from Yale and has many connections on East Egg. One night, he drives out to East Egg to have dinner with his cousin Daisy and her husband, Tom Buchanan, a former member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Tom, a powerful figure dressed in riding clothes, greets Nick on the porch. Inside, Daisy lounges on a couch with her friend Jordan Baker, a competitive golfer who yawns as though bored by her surroundings.
Tom tries to interest the others in a book called The Rise of the Colored Empires by a man named Goddard. The book espouses racist, white-supremacist attitudes that Tom seems to find convincing. Daisy teases Tom about the book but is interrupted when Tom leaves the room to take a phone call. Daisy follows him hurriedly, and Jordan tells Nick that the call is from Tom’s lover in New York.
After an awkward dinner, the party breaks up. Jordan wants to go to bed because she has a golf tournament the next day. As Nick leaves, Tom and Daisy hint that they would like for him to take a romantic interest in Jordan.
When Nick arrives home, he sees Gatsby for the first time, a handsome young man standing on the lawn with his arms reaching out toward the dark water. Nick looks out at the water, but all he can see is a distant green light that might mark the end of a dock.
“I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”